Entries by webdev4swis

The descent of the cows

The descent of the cows from the Belalp date 19.09.2020 time 07:00 Further information Blatten-Belalp Tourism Rischinustrasse 5 3914 Blatten b. Naters +41 27 921 60 40 +41 27 921 60 41 tourism@belalp.ch http://www.belalp.ch 07.00 a.m. The cows are driven from Belalp 09.00 am Start of the festival and market at the fairground in Blatten […]

How to build a Bug Hotel

How to build a Bug Hotel? Building an insect hotel is fun for kids. A great outdoor adventure! Create a hotel for bugs. Gather some wooden stuff what around and build a house for bugs. Bugs will love it, kids will love it. Give a home to nature. Check here the video on how to […]